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Reconnecting with the Source

Manifest 2018


We are all warriors of light. Ignite the light and let it shine thru” Y.C

Manifest Retreat in Puerto Vallarta was a journey to remember! It all started with the intention of spreading the light and awareness of yoga teachings. Of sharing knowledge, practices and techniques that could benefit or enhance everyone’s life. That was my intention. To assist in reconnecting and remembering the most unique and precious resource that we have, our light. At times we might not see this light, and we need of others to remind us, to assist us in seeing it. There are millions of reasons why we might forget our source or why it feels dull from moment to moment. That is why is imperative that we consciously create routines, rituals or practices that help us to re gain this connection. Throughout the Manifest Program, there were simple things that allowed us to do that. Starting by taking a yoga class in the morning in front of the ocean. The magnificent of nature, whether we realized it or not, influences our senses and our spirit. It puts us right in perspective with something bigger and greater than us, but at the same time remind us that we are part of it. Welcoming each morning with the willingness to try something different (some of the participants were new to yoga) is a way of reconnecting with our light and our co-creating ability. Everyones light is different, and everyones light is needed. At the beginning, not all the participants were interested in the routines or the classes, but by the middle of the week, almost everyone was willing to wake up early and to try. Seeing how their bodies felt after the class, might have had an impact on that. We were all benefiting from being there and for sharing a space to heal, to grow and to learn. Although, I must admit that it was sometimes a challenge to adhere to the schedule given the pool and beach easy accessibility. But all the participants were eager to go out and to discover new places in Mexico. To put aside pre-conceived notions or ideas and just be open to the journey. I am forever grateful of this first group for allowing me to share my light with them and for sharing their own with me. 

Reconnecting with the source

The light we talk about does not comes out of nowhere. It comes from our linage, from our ancestors. There where others before us, as there will be others afterwards. Yes, we are connected. The same way we inherit physical traits, dna, personal inclinations and abilities, we inherit light and wisdom from those who gave us birth. There is knowledge that we have inside of us and sometimes comes to us “out of nowhere” at the right moment or at the right time. It can be our subconscious mind, and it can also be that inherited knowledge from our vey wide and ancient family tree. It is always there and we can learn to tap into it. Usually, we just have to ask and the answers will come.


We carry within the light of our ancestors. If we are ever in doubt, we can seek inside and rest assure that they will ignite the path for us. But only if we ask for it to be done”. Y.C.